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Don't worry, the party continues at Reflex Hanley - take a look at everything else we've got going on in Stoke-On-Trent below or make a booking now.


Birthday Parties

Celebrate your upcoming birthday party at Reflex Hanley!

Get the party started by choosing from a variety of pre-booked drinks packages for you and your mates, and dance the night away to your favourite floorfillers in Stoke-On-Trent.

Find Out More


Sign Up

Get news on all the latest offers and events at Reflex Hanley by signing up to the official newsletter.

Not enough? Fine - if you sign up, we'll give you free prosecco or vodka for you and your mates on your birthday!

T&Cs apply.

Sign Up Now

What's On


Just looking for something to do in Stoke-On-Trent tonight or this weekend?

Browse events at Reflex Hanley before making a booking for you and your friends for that next big night out.

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